Jerry Leigh Code of Conduct
We are committed to:
- A standard of compliance excellence in every aspect of our business around the world.
- Ethical and responsible conduct in all of our operations
- Respect for the rights of all individuals.
- Respect for the environment, conservation and sustainability.

Code of conduct
We expect these same commitments to be shared by all manufacturers of Jerry Leigh merchandise. At a minimum, we require that all manufacturers of Jerry Leigh merchandise meet the following standards:
Child Labor Manufacturers will not use child labor under any circumstance.
The term “child” refers to a person younger than 16 (or 15 where local law allows) or, if higher, the local legal minimum age for employment or the age for completing compulsory education.
Manufacturers employing younger persons who do not fall within the definition of “Children” will also comply with any laws and regulations applicable to such persons.
Involuntary Labor Manufacturers will not use any forced or involuntary labor, whether prison, bonded, indentured or otherwise.
Coercion and Harassment Manufacturers will treat each employee with dignity and respect, and will not use corporal punishment, threats of violence or other forms of physical, sexual, psychological or verbal harassment or abuse.
Nondiscrimination Manufacturers will not discriminate in hiring and employment practices, including salary, benefits, advancement, discipline, termination or retirement, on the basis of race, religion, age, nationality, social or ethnic origin, sexual orientation, gender, political opinion, pregnancy status, or disability.
Association Manufacturers will respect the rights of employees to associate, organize and bargain collectively in a lawful and peaceful manner, without penalty or interference.
Health and Safety Manufacturers will provide employees with a safe and healthy workplace, in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations, ensuring at a minimum:
(a) Access to potable water and sanitary facilities; (b) Fire safety;
(c) Adequate lighting and ventilation; and
(d) Proper safety equipment.
Manufacturers will also ensure that the same standards of health and safety are applied in any housing that they provide for employees.
Compensation Manufacturers will, at a minimum, comply with all applicable wage and hour laws and regulations, including those relating to minimum wages, overtime, maximum hours, piece rates and other elements of compensation, and provide legally mandated benefits. We expect manufacturers to recognize that wages are essential to meeting employee’s basic needs.
Except in extraordinary business circumstances, manufacturers will not require employees to work more than the lesser of:
(a) 48 hours per week and 12 hours overtime or
(b) the limits on regular and overtime hours allowed by local law or, where local law does not limit the hours of work, the regular work week plus 12 hours overtime. In addition, employees will be entitled to at least one day off in every seven-day period.
Manufacturers will compensate employees for overtime hours at such premium rate as is legally required or, if there is no legally prescribed premium rate, at a rate at least equal to the regular hourly compensation rate.
Where local industry standards are higher than applicable legal requirements, we expect manufacturers to meet the higher standards.
Record Keeping Manufacturers must use an automated time-clock system to document workers hours. Inaccurate and inconsistent record keeping constitutes falsification of records which will not be tolerated.
Insurance Manufacturers will provide social insurance for all workers as mandated by local laws.
Environment Manufacturers will comply with all applicable environmental laws and regulations.
Other Laws Manufacturers will comply with all applicable laws and regulations, including those pertaining to the manufacture, pricing, sales and distribution of merchandise. All references to “applicable laws and regulations” in this Code of Conduct include local and national codes, rules and regulations as well as applicable treaties and voluntary industry standards.
Subcontracting Manufacturers will not use subcontractors for the manufacture of Jerry Leigh of California merchandise or a component thereof, without Jerry Leigh of California’s express written consent. All subcontractors must be approved by the designated licensor and/ or retailer for whom the cut is produced before production begins.
Monitoring and Compliance Manufacturers will authorize Jerry Leigh of California and its designated agents (including third parties) to engage in monitoring activities to confirm compliance with this Code of Conduct, including unannounced on-site inspections of manufacturing facilities and employer-provided housing; reviews of books and records relating to employment matters; and private interviews with employees. Manufacturers will maintain on site all documentation that may be needed to demonstrate compliance with this Code of Conduct. Manufacturers must submit a written Corrective Action Plan within 2 weeks of receipt of audit report, with proof of remediation of any and all violations.
Publication Manufacturers will take appropriate steps to ensure that the provisions of this Code of Conduct are communicated to its employees, including the prominent posting of a copy of this Code of Conduct, in the local language and in a place readily accessible to employees, at all times.
Social & Environment Responsibilities
Throughout our 50+ year history as a family owned company, Jerry Leigh Apparel has demonstrated a legacy of caring for our employees, our community, and our stakeholders near and far. As awareness of environmental issues has increased, Jerry Leigh has begun to incorporate sustainability efforts into our long-standing, stringent social compliance practices and policies. We have also extended this same commitment to our many retail and licensor/licensee partners.
Jerry Leigh views the ongoing process of becoming more sustainable very seriously. From the top down JL is committed to reducing waste and water usage and innovating operations within our office and supply chain. In 2009, Jerry Leigh completed a large scale installation of solar panels on our corporate headquarters’ roof, just one step on the larger path of our commitment to reduce resource use.
All of Jerry Leigh product manufacturers, domestic and international, adhere to a strict compliance contract. We are diligent in choosing and continuously educating our partners on our retailers’ and licensors’ requirements. We work with the very best representatives of the global community to ensure all products are manufactured in socially compliant factories.
Our commitment to incorporate sustainability practices into our daily operations, manufacturing, and supplier, retailer, licensor/licensee and employee engagements is a reflection of the high quality of our products and our respect for a shared global environment.
Transparency in Supply Chain Act
On January 1, 2012, the California Transparency in Supply Chains Act of 2010 (SB 657) went into effect in the State of California. This law was designed to increase the amount of information made available by manufacturers regarding their efforts (if any) to address the issue of slavery and human trafficking, thereby allowing consumers to make better, more informed choices regarding the products they buy and the companies they choose to support.
Jerry Leigh has offices in Shanghai, China and in Guatemala City (in addition to U.S. offices), enabling Jerry Leigh to regularly visit and audit contractors in those countries, which represent the vast majority of our production.
In order to combat slavery and human trafficking, forced and child labor, Jerry Leigh is committed to the following policies:
- Verification – Jerry Leigh performs assessments of potential supplier factories according to a risk-based approach. This approach includes preliminary risk assessments through contractor questionnaires in addition to factory compliance assessments performed by Jerry Leigh personnel. This includes required submission of recent third party audit reports. Additionally, Jerry Leigh has developed, and issues, a Jerry Leigh Manufacturer Code of Conduct to all contractors. Contractors are evaluated in relation to their compliance with the Manufacturer Code of Conduct though periodic third party audits.
- Audits – Jerry Leigh is a proud licensee of the Walt Disney Company, Hasbro, Marvel, Williamson Dickie, and other licensed brands. We supply product to Walmart, Sears Holdings, Kohl’s, and many other retailers. As such, Jerry Leigh is required to, and agrees to perform regular social compliance audits of all facilities. With few exceptions, the audits are unannounced; and, all are performed by third-party audit firms.
- Certification – Jerry Leigh’s purchasing agreements require all suppliers to comply with all applicable laws within the country of business, with international standards, with trade regulations, and with the Manufacturer Code of Conduct regarding slavery and human trafficking.
- Accountability – Jerry Leigh employs the use of corrective action plans which outline how a supplier will resolve issues uncovered in audits. Jerry Leigh has a zero-tolerance policy for the presence of slavery and human trafficking. If any zero-tolerance items are uncovered in audits, we require suppliers to rectify the problem immediately, and provide documentation and proof of remediation. The facility is then reaudited to confirm resolution of the issue. If the contractor fails to correct a zero tolerance violation in a timely manner, including slavery and human trafficking, Jerry Leigh may terminate the business relationship.
- Direct accountability and training of procurement professionals – Jerry Leigh maintains and enforces internal accountability procedures for employees regarding company standards in slavery and human trafficking. Jerry Leigh conducts regular internal training for all procurement and sourcing personnel and management to ensure that they are knowledgeable and aware of the issues and concerns surrounding the supply chain, including human trafficking and slavery, with a particular focus on mitigating risks. Training is also conducted by some of our retailers and contractors are strongly encouraged to participate, wherever possible. All facilities are audited by 3rd party auditors, irrespective of whether or not they participate in training.